Monday, July 14, 2014

Blogpost #8: Haters gonna hate

Everybody loves selfies right?. They are easy to do, fun to do with freinds and/or family and there maybe a off chance that you'll become famous. So why do some people, religiously hate selfies?

Anwesha points out on her article "Why We Hate Selfies So Much?" on how irritating seflies are and what it gives out that we wanna hate it more. She gives a couple of reasons why people hate selfies. One is being a "wannabe."Having fun!!! #jw #selfie #bowtie #butfirstletmetakeaselfie #loco #crazy #letmetakeaselfie #peluca#yo
Anwesha says, "Only total wannabes click their own pictures and then post it on Facebook. If you do not want to be identified as a wannabe, then you should not take selfies and post them."
It is apparent that for some that selfies are a gateway of social preservation. Some take selfies so they can prove to society that they can. That they are not useless and people will give anything just to be in their shoes. For me, that what makes you a wannabe. Since when did being a wannabe makes people like you more?


Annie Stamell's article "An Open Letter to People Who Take Selfies" on expresses her thoughts about selfies and selfie takers. She points out the flaws of people who take selfies and even uses herself as an example. Annie also made self-proclaimed laws that may or may not help an individual be less on an annoyance to social media.
Monday #selfieStamell says, "You take a lot of selfies. Yes, you. You know who you are. And don’t pretend you don’t know what I am referring to, because all your friends and followers and family members have seen those self-portraits you post anywhere from three to seventeen times a day."

Clearly, Annie has some issues with people or even her friends about the excessive use of selfies. she also said that she herself had some "Too much selfie-ing." Of course, whenever you post something on the internet, it is part of the internet. Random people will see it and may interpret in one way or another. Though some know when to stop or at least when to not go overboard with uploading. Some will have no idea on what it does to their environment.


Selfies are like a drug. Their are prescribed amounts in a day you should try to follow. Excess and you may or may not have complications. Not all people think the same. Not all people will like what others worship. I myself am one of those people that think selfies are getting excessive and annoying. For any selfie takers that maybe reading this. Take Annies advices. You need them.

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